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Dear Malaysians especially genuine Sabahans,IMPORTANT : GIVE BN/UMNO zero votes GE13
There are many non genuine Sabahans in Sabah.
This is the message for the nation at the time of GE13.
It is meaningless for Sabah and Malaysia to have this GE13 when the electoral rolls are loaded with illegal people given genuine identity cards. You call this a ‘Malaysian’ nation.
How many political parties in Malaysia are legal when many foreigners given genuine identity cards to become members especially UMNO in Sabah?
Why waste so much resources of up to RM100billions including campaigning by many people and many people disturbed in their businesses to conduct a false General Election and this is not the first time General Election is not a farce.
What we want is a true, free and fair General Election? Cheating by Election Commissions has been the normal business even getting the law changed to ‘no challenge to the Electoral Rolls once gazetted.” How can we protect thieves by such a law? Isn’t it BN/UMNO wanted that because of fraudulent Electoral Rolls?
How to conduct a true, fair and free General Election when there are so many aspects of no level playing field and everyone knows that?
We must stop the BN/UMNO for another term especially BN/UMNO in Sabah since grabbing power in 1994 after recruiting the ‘terrorists’ for ‘citizenships’ from across the Sulu sea. I have used the term ‘terrorist’ as it was used for the “Tanduoa Invasion” after the Home minister earlier said “ not militant, not terrorists” but later switched to terrorists after the security forces were killed including head chopped off and bodies/eyes mutilated.
According to Hassnar Ebrahim who told us that NRD’s Sani Abdullah told him that people from Southern Philippines if given citizenship would one day come back to bite us. Now we have witnessed so soon as that in Lahad Datu, Semporna etc.
BN/UMNO in 50 very long years had never resolved the Sabah Claim and yet Najib claimed BN/UMNO had delivered to the people.
At one time it was considered that the presence of illegal people is the mother of all woes in Sabah.
Then I consider the Sabah Claim by Sulu/Manila/others yet to be resolved is the grandmother of all woes in Sabah.
Now it is UMNO in Malaysia and Sabah as the great grandmother of all woes in the nation especially in Sabah.
If we want solution, then we should know what to do at GE13. We as voters who love Malaysia and Sabah should know what to do – give ZERO votes to BN/UMNO. Lets only dubious citizens vote BN/UMNO whose socalled leaders are traitors fit to be done with in that fashion with total rejection.
Now we come to Sabah’s special scenario for an UBAH. I think Putrajaya already decided by Malaya alone for UBAH.
It is sad to see the line up in the candidates in most seats giving the voters some headache to decide. If all voters give ZERO votes to BN/UMNO, then it is a friendly contest amongst the opposition parties (Malaya-based, Sabah/Sarawak-based). Then we have an UBAH in Sabah’s state Government – congratulations for the 50 years or golden jubilee in 2013 for a truly independence
Why give BN/UMNO zero votes at GE13?
Ask Musa Aman and
his task force on the 400,000 genuine identity cards given to Tausug, Suluk etc
in 1990s and many of the Project IC holders are voters in Sungai Sibuga. Is this not a terrorism or treasonous act by
Musa Aman in an agenda of trojan horses?
With this concept, how can Musa want/can resolve the Sabah Claim and
Project IC?
BN/UMNO leaders
did expect the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah to be completed and implemented prior to GE13. But this is a great disappointment because
those who wanted to leave BN are still there cheating the voters with
fraudulent electoral rolls. With the
dubious citizens in the Rolls, BN/UMNO imagine sure to win GE13 as aided by
Election Commission as done previously.
The dubious
citizens are likely bumiputra and so the incoming ILLEGAL Government would only
bring benefits to them marginalizing the local and others as had been done for decades
and so why let them be in power again.
Based on 1, 2 and 3,
BN/UMNO should not deserve any votes from genuine voters – Sabahans and
Malaysians alike. Let them lost their
deposits this time as a good sign of CHANGE or UBAH.
In my campaign for
N13 Likas byelection 2001, I hung banner “UMNO to go home”. Lajim, Musa and many others saw that in All
Saints’ School, Likas.
The results for the
Sabah state of General Election 13 could be better still if SAPP and STAR (both
not Malaya based) compromise on 30 seats with
a single candidate now and declare it to the voter.
So both parties
sacrifice 15 candidates each so that SAPP and STAR can form a coalition
Government in Sabah with other independent
candidates as CHANGE or UBAH.
If SAPP, sacrifice
15, there are still 26 and STAR still have 34 both enough number to win at
least 35 seats together.
SAPP and STAR, please
act FAST now.
Joshua Y. C.
Kong 30 April, 2013
Malaysia; author of 12 books.
The following blogs
need visiting urgently:-
terrorists at work in Malaysia & Sabah and security failed to keep Sabah in crime-free or less crimes
Writings on the Walls Malaysia
GE13 rci on illegal immigrants in Sabah
very urgent for GE13
Sulu terrorists in Lahad Datu.
Interim Good Governance Government Malaysia
where the present leaders are involved and yet they are in or seeking for elected offices.
Sabah PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s past deeds in Sabah may soon catch up with him, with state BN leaders going around revealing that Anwar in the 1990s was their biggest stumbling block in the bid to solve the illegal immigration problem.
ReplyDelete“It is true. He blocked our request for a royal commission of inquiry (into illegal immigration in Sabah). He was the one who rejected it. “He cannot be trusted and it is for this reason that we cannot accept Pakatan Rakyat in Sabah, especially Anwar Ibrahim,” the BN candidate for Keningau, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, said at a rally in Penampang, close to downtown Kota Kinabalu, last night.
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, Pairin said, it was BN chief and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak who made way for the ongoing RCI to be formed.
ReplyDelete“So, we have no other choice in this election but to support Najib,” said Pairin, who is also the Huguan Siou (paramount leader) of the Kadazandusun Murut community.
ReplyDeletePairin, the founding president of the PBS who led his party away from the BN in 1990 and back to it in 2002. admitted that the Kadazandusun Murut community has had a chequered relationship with the BN.
ReplyDelete“But the BN is changing and it will benefit us. The change is obvious ,if compared to when Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) was prime minister and he didn’t even know the name of the Sabah chief minister,” he said.
ReplyDeletePBS, the oldest Kadazandusun Murut-based party, joined the BN in 1986, following the Sabah riots, but broke away on the eve of the 1990 state election, which it won. It won the 1994 polls with a narrow margin, but failed to form the state government after to last minute defections of its members to Umno, a moved alleged to have been engineered by Anwar, who was then with Umno.
ReplyDeletePairin led his party back into the BN fold in 2002, four years after Anwar was sacked as deputy prime minister. Besides Anwar-bashing, other speakers at the ceramah also reminded the voters that the Kadazandusun Murut community has experienced how difficult life can be if they are represented by an opposition party.
ReplyDelete“The elected representatives do not face hardship, for they receive their allowances. It is the people who suffer. “Don’t repeat the sad episode…our Huguan Siou today sees eye-to-eye with the prime minister and can ask for anything we want,” said one speaker representing PBRS chief Joseph Kurup, who was not able to attend.
ReplyDeleteUpko’s propaganda and strategy bureau chief Jeoffrey Ekol told the voters that “chopping and changing” would undermine Kadazandusun Murut “supremacy”.
ReplyDeleteAdakah rakyat bersedia untuk bagi peluang kepada pembangngkang untuk menerajui pimpinan negara?
ReplyDelete6 sebab rakyat perlu kekalkan mandat BN
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR - Barisan Nasional (BN) hari ini menggariskan enam sebab mengapa rakyat perlu terus memberi mandat kepada parti itu pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13).
Menurut Manifesto BN yang dilancarkan Pengerusi BN Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di sini malam ini, enam sebab tersebut ialah Malaysia memerlukan kerajaan yang stabil dan kuat, rekod pencapaian, pengalaman, gerakan kesederhanaan, perkongsian kuasa telah teruji dan memenuhi kehendak rakyat.
Rakyat perlukan sebuah kerajaan kukuh yang berupaya melaksanakan Agenda Transformasi Negara ke arah mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi yang maju sepenuhnya, menurut manifesto bertajuk "Menepati Janji Membawa Harapan" itu.
BN sentiasa melakukan penambahbaikan dan sepanjang empat tahun lepas, kerajaan BN mencapai banyak kemajuan besar dalam meningkatkan produktiviti dan sistem penyampaian, menurutnya.
"Kejayaan yang dikecapi dalam tempoh 55 tahun tidak boleh dinafikan, kami adalah parti yang mempunyai rekod pencapaian mantap dan menunaikan segala janji. Selama ini, kerajaan yang diterajui BN telah membawa kemakmuran kepada segenap segmen masyarakat Malaysia," menurut manifesto bertemakan "Rakyat Didahulukan" itu.
"Kami akan meneruskan rekod kecemerlangan ini. Sekarang bukan masa untuk bereksperimen. Jangan sesekali melakukan uji kaji dengan masa depan kita."
Menurut manifesto itu, politik yang dibawa BN ialah politik perpaduan yang berpengalaman mengurus masyarakat pelbagai kaum, agama dan budaya.
"Parti komponen mengamalkan formula perkongsian kuasa yang efektif dan menolak politik benci membenci, pecah-belah serta menentang eksploitasi kaum dan agama untuk keuntungan politik".
Gabungan pelbagai parti BN telah teruji yang mana selepas 55 tahun, ia masih mewakili seluruh lapisan rakyat dari semua negeri di Malaysia kerana mengamalkan politik konsensus dan keterangkuman.
BN juga terus memperkasakan rakyat melalui peralihan yang terurus ke arah masyarakat progresif, moden dan demokratik dengan iltizam untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia dan alam sekitar, menurut manifesto itu. - Bernama
rakyat sentiasa menilai dan memerhati...parti yang dirasakan terbaik pasti disokong oleh rakyat.
DeleteNajib: 'Beri BN mandat 5 tahun lagi'
ReplyDeleteKUANTAN - Warga Pahang membanjiri tapak program Jelajah Janji Ditepati terakhir malam tadi untuk mendengar amanat Perdana Menteri yang antara lain meminta rakyat menilai sendiri keupayaan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) menunaikan janji demi menjamin kesejahteraan dan masa depan mereka.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, rakyat harus membandingkan kejayaan itu dengan janji-janji kosong yang ditabur pembangkang selama ini.
Beliau yakin rakyat telah dapat melihat kejayaan kerajaan dalam tempoh empat tahun ini dan meminta mereka memberi mandat baharu kepada kerajaan BN dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang untuk melakukan yang lebih baik buat negara.
"Beri kita mandat lima tahun lagi untuk lakukan yang lebih hebat. Kita janji akan bekerja bersungguh-sungguh. Insya-ALLAH, lima tahun lagi Malaysia akan bersinar sebagai negara yang berjaya dan keunggulan Malaysia akan terserlah," katanya.
DeleteBeliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada acara itu di padang Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan 2 (MPK2) di sini.
Najib berkata mandat baharu amat penting bagi membolehkan kerajaan meneruskan segala agenda yang telah direncanakan ke arah mencapai status negara
maju berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020.
"Perjalanan kita masih jauh sebab kalau hendak Malaysia menjadi negara maju berpendapatan tinggi tidak mengambil setahun dua...tetapi sebelum sampai ke
tahap itu, kita kena melangkah satu jambatan iaitu Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.
"Kalau kita dapat pintas ke sebelah, yakin dan percayalah dengan mandat baharu itu kerajaan akan melakukan yang lebih baik pada masa akan datang," tegas Perdana Menteri yang mendapat tepukan gemuruh daripada hadirin.
Najib berkata, sejak mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri pada April 2009, kerajaan telah membentangkan kepada rakyat pelbagai program penambahbaikan bermula dengan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), Model Baru Ekonomi, Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) diikuti Program Transformasi Politik dan Sosial.
DeleteNajib berkata, beliau baru-baru ini telah membentangkan laporan pencapaian GTP dan ETP yang mengupas satu persatu bagaimana kerajaan telah memenuhi janji kepada rakyat termasuk dalam soal memerangi kemiskinan, menyediakan peluang pekerjaan dan menjamin pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih baik.
Lebih dekat di hati rakyat, kerajaan juga telah mencatat kejayaan agenda transformasi antaranya dengan kewujudan Klinik 1Malaysia, Kedai Rakyat
1Malaysia, Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia, PR1MA dan Program 1Azam yang telah memberi manfaat kepada rakyat.
"Kita tak akan janji bulan bintang. Tapi tak cukup bulan dan bintang, mereka (pembangkang) cakerawala pun dijanji. Malah syurga pun dijanji semata-mata
meraih sokongan.
"Sebagai rakyat, kena tanya mereka yang suka tabur janji...berapa banyak yang ditunaikan. Banyak janji tinggal janji," katanya sambil mengingatkan rakyat
supaya tidak tertipu sekali lagi dengan pembangkang yang kini mula menabur janji baru melalui manifesto pilihan raya yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini.
BN akan beri khidmat lebih baik jika diberi mandat lagi
ReplyDeleteALOR SETAR - Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata Barisan Nasional (BN) akan memberikan khidmat bakti yang jauh lebih baik sekiranya masih diberi mandat pada PRU13.
Beliau berkata hanya BN yang dapat membuat perubahan terancang dan menentukan pertumbuhan dalam sektor-sektor tertentu bagi meningkatkan pendapatan negara.
"Kita dapat buat perubahan terancang, orang yakin dengan kita. Bila ada pelaburan besar, hasil kerajaan akan bertambah dan kita akan gunakan pendapatan itu untuk memberi bantuan kepada rakyat.
"Kita bagi BR1M, bantuan persekolahan anak-anak, untuk pelajar universiti... itu setakat ini... Kita boleh buat lebih lagi pada masa depan kalau dapat mandat rakyat," katanya ketika berucap sebaik tiba di Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Halim dekat sini untuk lawatan sehari di Kedah hari ini.
Beliau berkata perubahan mendadak dalam pentadbiran sesebuah negara tidak mungkin akan memberi kesan yang lebih baik.
"Kesan daripada perubahan yang tidak dapat dikawal akan menyebabkan mata wang jatuh, inflasi meningkat, pelancongan lumpuh dan keselamatan negara tidak terjamin," katanya.
Najib berkata kejayaan pimpinan BN membangunkan negara sehingga kini telah meyakinkan semua pihak dan buktinya dapat dilihat ketika rombongan perdana menteri melawat Gaza, Palestin baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata walaupun negara bergolak itu miskin, sambutan terhadap kedatangan beliau sangat meriah dan dilakukan di luar kebiasaan.
"Mereka lakukan semua ini sebab berbesar hati terima pemimpin dari Malaysia, mereka lihat kita datang dari negara yang berjaya dipimpin BN. Kalau tak berjaya, tak mungkin mereka besar hati terima kedatangan saya sebagai wakil rakyat Malaysia," katanya. - Bernama
Rakyat perlu bijak pilih pemimpin tepati janji, kata Najib
ReplyDeleteBEAUFORT - Rakyat perlu bijak menilai pemimpin yang boleh membela kepentingan mereka dan sentiasa menepati janji ketika berkuasa, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Beliau berkata, rakyat sebaliknya tidak boleh memilih individu yang ketika berkuasa tidak pernah menunaikan janji tetapi apabila hilang kuasa bijak menjaja janji dan memburuk-burukkan kerajaan dan negara.
"Kita tidak boleh pakai pemimpin yang apabila tiada kuasa dia mahu janji, dia jual janji... dia menagih simpati...dia tuduh orang lain kerajaan BN tidak tolong rakyat...
Delete"Hendak cakap itu mudah tetapi hendak buat itu susah. Ingat, hendak musnah itu mudah tetapi hendak bina itu susah, nak cakap buka mulut sahaja boleh cakap di bibir boleh main janji tetapi janji orang yang tiada kuasa... kita janji apa, kita tepati," katanya.
Perdana menteri berkata demikian ketika berucap di hadapan kira-kira 20,000 orang pada majlis perjumpaan bersama rakyat sekitar Beaufort di padang pekan itu di sini, hari ini.
"Saya amat berterima kasih kepada saudara Isnin (Aliasneh) selaku pemangku Pengerusi Umno Beaufort yang berjaya menghimpunkan begini ramai orang Beaufort dan ini membuktikan siapa kata (pembangkang) boleh tawan Beaufort.
"Pembangkang bermimpi di siang hari untuk tawan Beaufort, Papar, Kimanis dan Tuaran... semua mereka nak tawan tetapi sebenar Sabah tetap dengan BN," katanya disambut sorakan gemuruh daripada penduduk pelbagai lapisan masyarakat yang hadir.
Walaupun BN yakin menang dan akan buat yang lebih baik lagi jika dapat mandat, namun semuanya terserah pada rakyat. % Mei adalah penentunya.
ReplyDeletePilihlah yang terbaik dan boleh diharap atau bekerja untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteAnak Sabah,
ReplyDeleteYou are NOT truly anak Sabah and allow others and outsiders take 95% of your oil wealth.
So can you allow myself and my friends in Sabah to go to your big house and we occupy all the rooms and space and allow you and your family only 5% of the house. Lets try this OK....
So you also allow someone 'outside' or sort of inside to put a bullet into your face and then chop off your head etc...for thrills or vendetta???? These are the people with blie Msian Mykad too. Do a show now, OK...
55 in Malaya is ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
50 years in Sabah is also ENOUGH is ENOUGH - all the bad things happen in Sabah as the backyard for terrorism by some fanatics including leaders from outside in Sabah once a peaceful nation before 1963.
I am against ILLEGAL parliament and state Governments voted in by illegal people of 5 millions in Malaysia including 2 Sabah and that is including the offspring of Project IC. All leaders past, present and future ones so elected have to show their birth certificates and DNA certificate.
I pray the Tsunami in 2008 would come to Sabah and Sarawak in 2013 - Amen.
Please translate my article into BM and other languages for wider audience...Thank you.
I am against UMNO/exUMNO ("poisons")to rule Sabah - PERIOD.
CHANGE / UBAH is a must for SABAH now in 2013.
no more cheating by EC as largely in previous ones.
The opposition is only good at deceiving the people that the Barisan Nasional government did nothing for Kota Marudu but it is their own leader who had yet to fulfil his promise to the longhouse folks made 20 years ago.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Ongkili said Anwar Ibrahim had come to Kota Marudu in 1994 when he was then Finance Minister and remarked that the longhouse dwellings looked like chicken coop, and he promised to replace the longhouses and transform Sabah within 100 days.
ReplyDelete“What has Anwar done since then? Nothing. But he has the cheek to tell Kota Marudu folks that the Barisan Nasional leaders here did nothing,” he said during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the bailey bridge at Kg Simpangan-Nangko here on Sunday (April 28).
ReplyDeleteCiting an example of the bailey bridge, he said the opposition used the issue to deceive the people by taking photographs showing a vehicle stuck in the river water because there was no bailey bridge to cross over.
ReplyDelete“The opposition posted the photo in the Internet showing people pulling the car across the river, but when we looked at the photograph the car tyres showed the river water was not even high and the vehicle was not even stuck.
ReplyDelete“The opposition is only good at janji ambil gambar dan janji mengadu (promise to take photographs to paint a false picture and complain about the government),” he said.
ReplyDeleteDr Ongkili said the Barisan Nasional government would promise to do what it could fulfil such as the building of the bailey bridge that would benefit eight villages.
ReplyDeleteThe bailey bridge cost some sum of money as it not only involves installing the bridge but also foundation work. Already in place at the river is a suspension bridge.
ReplyDeleteIt is also proposed that the road leading to the river be upgraded under the 4th rolling plan of the Tenth Malaysia Plan. The bailey bridge is expected to be ready in June.
ReplyDeleteLater, Dr Ongkili launched the new Kg Longob longhouse which is one of the 24 longhouses approved for reconstruction by the federal government between 2009 and 2012, to replace those that were old and dilapidated.
ReplyDelete“Hence, it is only the opposition who are purposely disregarding the attention the Barisan Nasional government is giving to Kota Marudu,” he added.
ReplyDeleteOn the opposition claiming that he (Dr Ongkili) had not resolved the overlapping land claim issue involving Safoda and Begaraya and the villagers, Dr Ongkili said it was the opposition who was impeding the process.
ReplyDelete“The opposition is deceiving the people not to accept the solution to the land issue and telling the people that they would lose out if they accept,” he said.
ReplyDeleteDr Ongkili said the state government had agreed to issue communal titles to the villages concerned with the ultimate aim to divide it into individual titles.
ReplyDelete“But the opposition is telling the people that communal title is bad, thus the people will not get the rights over their kampung land,” he added.
ReplyDeleteHe said as the representatives in Kota Marudu – himself, the two state assemblymen Sarapin Magana (who is defending his Matunggong state seat) and Anita Baranting (who is the Barisan Nasional candidate for Tandek) – had worked hard to resolve the issue as native customary rights land belong to the villagers and land is an asset to them. Following this, a solution was decided upon to issue the communal titles to ensure the land belonged to the people.
ReplyDeleteTwo communal titles involving Kg Bombong 1 and Kg Sungai Magandai are ready for release while four more villages are in process.
Rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu ragu-ragu untuk memberi mandat besar yang baharu kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk membentuk kerajaan kerana BN sudah membuktikan keupayaannya mentadbir negara ini dengan cemerlang.
ReplyDeleteberdasarkan rekod prestasi cemerlang BN itu, maka rakyat wajar meneruskan sokongan kepada kerajaan sedia, melalui undi pada 5 Mei.
ReplyDeleteJangan sesekali mudah terpedaya dengan tipu helah, fitnah dan adu domba parti pembangkang bagi meraih sokongan serta menanam kebencian rakyat kepada pemimpin BN. Mereka ini tidak mempunyai matlamat lain kecuali untuk berkuasa demi kepentingan diri sendiri dan bukan untuk membela nasib rakyat,
ReplyDeleterakyat boleh menilai sendiri betapa banyak janji yang telah ditunaikan kerajaan BN sejajar dengan slogan 'Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan' yang digagaskan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
ReplyDeletemanifesto yang bertemakan 'Kami Telah Tunaikan, Lebih Banyak Lagi Akan Dilaksanakan' itu mengandungi 16 Hala Tuju Pembangunan Sabah, jelas menunjukkan komitmen BN untuk terus membela nasib rakyat.
ReplyDeleterakyat pasti lebih terbela jika BN terus diberi mandat dan kepercayaan besar oleh rakyat terutama dalam aspek penyediaan kemudahan asas seperti jalan raya, bekalan air dan elektrik serta bidang kesihatan.
ReplyDeleteSabah dan Sarawak mendapat perhatian Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) dengan pelbagai projek infrastruktur dijanjikan untuk dibangunkan di kedua-dua negeri itu.
ReplyDeleteAntara projek yang dijanjikan ialah pembinaan Lebuhraya Pan Borneo sepanjang 2,300km dari Sematan di Sarawak sehingga Serundung di Sabah, selain 2,500km jalan raya berturap akan dibina di Sabah dan 2,800km lagi akan dibina di Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteBN juga berjanji untuk membekalkan elektrik di kawasan luar bandar yang akan memanfaatkan 60,000 isi rumah di Sabah dan 80,000 isi rumah di Sarawak, selain bekalan air bersih kepada 320,000 isi rumah di seluruh negara.
ReplyDeleteDaripada segi kesihatan, BN menjanjikan untuk menubuhkan Pusat Kanser dan Pusat Jantung di hospital-hospital utama di Sabah dan Sarawak, selain memperbaiki akses untuk pendidikan berkualiti bagi komuniti kecil dan kawasan luar bandar terutamanya di kedua-dua negeri itu.
ReplyDeleteDalam aspek ekonomi dan memastikan usahawan Bumiputera tidak keciciran, BN berjanji untuk terus menyediakan peluang-peluang perniagaan, ekosistem yang kukuh dan sokongan institusi.
ReplyDeleteSelain itu, BN juga akan meneruskan bayaran tunai khas dan pemberian dana untuk perbelanjaan operasi dan pembangunan sehingga melebihi 20 peratus daripada perolehan minyak dan gas kepada Sabah, Sarawak, Te-rengganu, Kelantan dan Pahang.
ReplyDeleteDalam merancang jaringan keselamatan sosial, BN berjanji untuk mewartakan semua tanah adat menerusi perundingan bersama dengan kerajaan-kerajaan negeri.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah tidak mempunyai sebab untuk menukar kerajaan pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) akan datang memandangkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang sedia ada, amat prihatin dan sentiasa memelihara keamanan negara.
ReplyDeletekebijaksanaan pemimpin kerajaan BN dalam mentadbir negara walau dalam apa juga keadaan, bukti BN mampu menjamin masa depan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteKita seharusnya bersyukur kerana kita mempunyai sebuah kerajaan yang mendengar dan sensitif terhadap perasaan dan masalah rakyat. Segala teguran, perasaan dan keluhan rakyat sentiasa dipenuhi,"
ReplyDeleterakyat perlu bersyukur kerana dilahirkan di dalam sebuah negara yang dirahmati dengan pelbagai bentuk kekayaan serta aman dan damai.
ReplyDeleteNegara dan negeri Sabah aman damai, kita seharusnya sama-sama hidup berpasukan, bersatu padu bagi memajukan negara kita ini.
ReplyDeleteNegara dan negeri Sabah aman damai, kita seharusnya sama-sama hidup berpasukan, bersatu padu bagi memajukan negara kita ini.
ReplyDeleteMenerusi pelbagai program membasmi kemiskinan serta bantuan seperti Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) dan bantuan khas persekolahan, tiada sebab katanya untuk kerajaan BN tidak meneruskan kesinambungan membangun dan memajukan negara.
ReplyDeleteBR1M merupakan bantuan yang mendapat sambutan yang baik daripada rakyat Malaysia.
DeletePetrus and Mantera,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sharing, banyak terima kasih apa yang ditulis sini.
BN /UMNO has claimed in 55 years to have done a lot but almost all projects are done with the intention of kickbacks for all levels starting from the Central KL down several lines before the projects were implemented. So it is corruption that made them to do those projects. So it is public knowledge. The people suffer as a result high costs of living especially in Sabah where the people especially in the kampongs remain poor and many very poor. Urban people also poor because they cannot get projects without paying undertable money.
How long can Sabahans go on with the rotten system of BN/UMNO ?
So no more BN/UMNO for Sabah and Putrajaya to save MALAYSIA and Sabah from bankruptcy.
The slogan GIVE ZERO VOTES TO BN/UMNO is more specific rather than "INI Kali Lah".
All the cash handout only a temporary measures for some and the national debt is permanent and who are going to pay off the debts - remember your children and grand children would the ultimate victims.
Slogan = Bagi KOSONG undi ke BN/UMNO.
BM- buat projek kerana dapat wangrasuah. Cronies banyak untung tanpa buat kerja dengan sub-sub-sub-kontrak saja.
Jadi kebanyak rakyat jelita selama jadi miskin. Barang harian yang perlu sudah naik harga atau BN=Barang Naik or Be End. Hapis cerita di PRU13.
Banyak orang ditangkap kerana rasuah selepas PRU13..
Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah kesal dengan sikap pembangkang yang berterusan menjadikan isu kedaulatan negara, khususnya pencerobohan pengganas di sini sebagai modal politik.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Musa Aman, menegaskan BN akan tidak sesekali terikut-ikut dengan cara pembangkang yang mahu menjadikan isu itu sebagai modal politik demi meraih undi rakyat pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).
ReplyDeletetiada keperluan isu keselamatan rakyat Sabah dipolitikkan kerana kerajaan sudah mengambil langkah sewajarnya bagi memastikan kedaulatan negeri ini sentiasa terpelihara, termasuk menubuhkan Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Timur Sabah (ESSCOM).
ReplyDelete“Penubuhan ESSCOM jelas menunjukkan komitmen tinggi Kerajaan BN menjamin kedaulatan Sabah dan keselamatan rakyat.
ReplyDelete“Insiden Lahad Datu tidak sepatutnya dipolitikkan... tetapi itulah cara mereka (pembangkang) untuk mengelirukan rakyat, sekali gus menunjukkan pembangkang semakin terdesak pada saat akhir tempoh berkempen ini.
ReplyDelete“Jangan sesekali kita mempolitikkan hal berkaitan keselamatan dan pertahanan negara, ini bukan cara kita. Kita akan sentiasa mempertahankan setiap inci bumi bertuah ini daripada sebarang anasir luar,” katanya
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata pembangunan pesat dinikmati Sabah selama ini, antara lain adalah hasil peruntukan berbilion ringgit setiap tahun daripada kerajaan pusat.
ReplyDeleteBeliau berkata ia dipermudahkan lagi menerusi kerjasama erat antara kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan yang ditadbir Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteMusa yang juga Pengerusi BN negeri berkata dasar dan pelbagai inisiatif kerajaan BN pimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang jelas memberi manfaat langsung kepada rakyat juga merupakan faktor sokongan kuat rakyat kepada BN.
ReplyDeleteBerdasarkan faktor berkenaan, beliau yakin BN akan dapat membentuk kerajaan baharu selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) Ahad ini, katanya
ReplyDeleteBN/UMNO sabah can boost about the performance and actually nothing much to show with the little money coming from the Federal coffer when Sabah should deserve much more like at least RM100b-300 in the past 50 years. Ask Musa, how much we got in the past 50.
Federal and the socalled illegal leaders especially the one with two birthdays plus the two PMs later took much more out of Sabah than what Sabah got from the Federal allocations. We are getting only the LEFTOVERS.
Do you think Musa dare to bring up this issue to the socalled illegal leaders in the KL?
ILLEGAL federal and state Governments only inclined to do illegal activities such as lopsided deals, corruption, abuses to special groups like cronies and nepotism over 55/50 years in Malaya and Malaysia. Ask who done the May 13, 1969 and the criminals stayed on in power to cheat more and more people until now - endless rotten government activities for kickbacks only.
Sabah needs a new State Government to reverse all the rotten deals in the 50 years and the Tanduoa invasion is one tragic incident of the great grandmother of the woes in Sabah because of BN/UMNO all looking for ill gotten gains. Ask all the leaders to show their birth certificates and their wealth.
Give ZERO votes to BN/UMNO in Sabah and UBAH/CHANGE and this is INI kali LAH and last chance for change.
Vote local state parties for the GE 13.
"Salam seluruh rakyat Malaysia, kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa apa yang berlaku di Lahad Datu bukanlah setakat menceroboh negeri kita, tetapi jauh dari itu Anwar, Tian Chua dan rakan-rakannya memang mempunyai Planning Gila.
ReplyDeleteSemasa saya di Davao City dan di Manila, selama lebih sebulan saya mencari bukti apa sebenarnya yang berlaku di Lahad Datu.
Saya terpaksa memujuk, menunggu lama, membayar dengan wang saya sendiri untuk mencari maklumat ini, bukan saya tak mengharap polis Malaysia. Saya pun bekas polis, kelebihan saya boleh bercakap tagalong memudahkan kerja saya.
Semasa saya kecil, saya terbayang ibubapa saya berasal dari Filipina, selepas berjaya memohon kerakyatan Malaysia, hidup kami berubah dan saya berkata dalam hati saya, saya akan tolong Negara Malaysia ini jika dia susah kerana saya kenang budi Negara ini.
Akhirnya saya berjaya mendapatkan beberapa keping gambar Tian Chua, R. Sivarasa semasa berada di Manila, di Makati City dan di Ninoy Airport.
Saya berjaya mendapat 6 keping Gambar Tian Chua sedang berbincang dengan wakil MNLF dan wakil-wakil Kiram. Saya akan serahkan sendiri kepada pihak berkuasa Malaysia esok. Untuk mata rakyat Malaysia, saya tunjukkan satu keping gambar Tian Chua sedang berbaris di airport di Manila.
Saya mendesak kerajaan Malaysia menahan Tian Chua segera, kerana menurut orang yang saya jumpa di Manila, Tian Chua turut berjanji kepada MNLF dan Kiram untuk memberikan Wilayah Autonomi di Lahad Datu kepada Kiram. Manakalah wilayah Kunak dan Semporna kepada Nur Miswari (Nur Misuari).
Malah Tian Chua turut bersetuju untuk membayar setiap bulan Elaun DiRaja kepada Jamalul Kiram dan Nur Miswari jika Berjaya planning gila mereka itu.
Menurut dua tiga orang yang saya jumpa di Mindanao pula, sebenarnya mereka hanya hendak menakut-nakutkan kerajaan Malaysia supaya orang di Sabah tidak keluar mengundi, itulah arahan Anwar dan Tian Chua. Bila di Sabah tidak mengundi, Tian Chua kata mereka yakin akan menang di Semenanjung dan akan buat kerajaan.
Bila dah buat kerajaan kata Tian Chua, barulah mereka akan urus Sabah. Malangnya mereka tak sangka sampai berlaku pertempuran besar.
Banyak lagi lah kalau saya cerita pengalaman saya di Mindanao dan Manila selama sebulan ini, panjang sangat saya mahu tulis. Kepada rakyat Malaysia, kamu semua tolaklah Anwar, Tian Chua dan Pakatan Rakyat.
Walaupun saya generasi kedua di Malaysia, saya tahu bersyukur. Inilah balasan saya kepada rakyat Malaysia dan Negara Malaysia. Saya harap saya dapat membantu kamu walaupun sedikit. Gambar perbincangan Tian Chua bersama 2 orang kawannya dengan wakil-wakil Kiram dan MNLF saya serahkan kepada pihak Polis besok."
By: mrkinabaluboy
apa makna UBAH jika pembangkang jauh lebih bahaya dan ganas berbanding dengan BN yang sentiasa mengutamakan perpaduan, keamanan dan keharmonian?? menteri pertahanan sendiri mengesahkan bahawa tiga orang pemimpin pembangkang terlibat mendalangi insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu..
- Dana kewangan negeri terkumpul berjumlah lebih RM3 bilion berbanding RM100 juta pada 2001.
- Hasil pendapatan teringgi bernilai RM4.4 bilion pada 2011.
- Jumlah pelaburan RM10 bilion dalam bentuk pelaburan langsung.
- Pentauliahan ISO daripada Moody's International tiga tahun berturut-turut berkaitan pengurusan kewangan negeri.
- Penarafan "AAA" daripada RAM Rating Services kerana pengurusan kewangan negeri yang terbaik.
- Sijil bersih 11 tahun berturut-turut Ketua Audit Negara .
- Penurunan dua digit tahap kemiskinan secara keseluruhan kepada 8.1 peratus pada 2012 daripada 19.7 peratus pada 2009.
- Initiatif Pengeluaran Tanah Terancang (Geran Komunal) melalui landasan pantas dengan meminda Seksyen 76 Ordinan Tanah Sabah bagi melindungi hak anak negeri terhadap Tanah Adat Anak Negeri (NCR) seperti diwartakan pada Desember 2009.
- Mewujudkan perlindungan sepenuhnya kawasan Hutan Simpan (TPAS) meliputi kawasan seluas 1.3 juta hektar atau 20 peratus daripada keseluruhan tanah di Sabah yang melebihi piawaian 10 peratus seperti dikehendaki Pertubuhan Antarabangsa untuk Pemeliharaan Alam Semulajadi (IUCN).
- Menubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin dan menunggu hasil siasatan.
- Membina 5,370 kilometer jalan berturap setakat ini.
- Menambah bekalan air bersih kepada 385,821 rumah di seluruh negeri.
- Memperluaskan penyediaan bekalan elektrik kepada 486,485 rumah di seluruh Sabah.
- Peruntukan RM10 juta dalam bentuk pertolongan dan bantuan kepada sekolah vernakular menerusi RMKe-10.
- Peruntukan RM19.4 juta untuk sekolah mubaligh di bawah RMKe-10.
- Bantuan RM168 juta kepada badan agama bukan Islam dari 2004 hingga 2012.
wang itu disial-sialkan saja dan mana ada mantau apa macam wang itu di gunakan dengan bersunggoh-sunggoh?
DeleteBeri bukti ada permantauan.
Ada orang tinggi jawatan tidor lah.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your reward now?
UBAH and then we can more magic of the past surfacing on both sides of the divide.
Sudah UBAH, baru tahu cerita yang sebenarnya timbul kaitan perkara yang lepas dalam 50 tahun daripada kedua pihak - BN/UMNO dan exUMNO/PKR..
Investment and economic growth only come with stability, with a strong government committed to firm and consistent regulation. Barisan Nasional's stability has made possible the tremendous economic growth since the global slowdown began in 2009. Fully votes for Barisan Nasional.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat insist they can form a stable government. They have yet to show they can, or that they desire to do so.
ReplyDeleteSince GE12, Pakatan Rakyat's component parties have warred over the imposition of hudud law to the 'Allah' issue; who should be the pact's choice for Prime Minister; and a never-ending battle over seat allocation.
Pakatan is inherently a study in conflict. PAS' and the DAP's differences transcend policy. PKR has been unable to bridge these differences in a way that does not end with the DAP National Chairman suing PAS officers.
Fully votes for Barisan Nasional.
Pakatan's leaders assure us that good ties between the pact's leaders assure harmony – yet the same ties did not stop Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang from essentially nominating himself for Prime Minister, without consulting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PKR or the DAP.
ReplyDeleteThe parties themselves have not been spared. PAS attempted to harmonise away its tension with the DAP by adopting its short-lived 'welfare state' model. This drove the party into internal schism, with the hudud issue (and battles with the DAP) rising to the fore again as a result.
DAP's attempt to prove it was Malay-friendly ended in Tunku Abdul Aziz's ejection from the party over its support of social disorder. Matters were worse when the party's Central Executive Committee elections were either fouled or rigged so that the election of a single Malay in a sea of Chinese launched a revolt in the Chinese and Malay grassroots.
Fully votes for Barisan Nasional.
PKR has devolved into an ongoing civil war, touched off by the 2010 party convention. After allegations of rigged elections, feuds between former party officer Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, deputy president Azmin Ali, president Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, and Nurul Izzah Anwar began, crippling the party's policy and governance efforts.
ReplyDeleteThese fights have spilled into governance. Penang's Pakatan factions have engaged in a covert war that flares up regularly. Selangor governance is now a proxy for the PKR civil war, with water supply and rubbish collection among the casualties.
Fully votes for Barisan Nasional.
Kedah's PAS is in a more than figurative civil war, as the war of words between Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak and Deputy Commissioner Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawai turned into an alleged 'kidnapping' of Phahrolrazi by Azizan's allies last month. That, of course, came after PAS grassroots threatened to report Azizan to the MACC.
ReplyDeleteKelantan is the sole exception, an island of stability – a stability of constant traffic, economic malaise and no clean water.
Unsurprisingly, foreign direct investment into Penang and Kedah have tumbled.
This is the 'success story' Pakatan would export to Malaysia as a whole: chaos, in-fighting, conflict and the consequent end of the boom of the last four years.
Fully votes for Barisan Nasional.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your views.
How old is BN/UMNO?
How old is PR/PAS/PKR/DAP? PR is almost new since 2008.
PR was cheated at the GE2008, otherwise they could have gone into Putrajaya hence the illegal delay, PR had the opportunity to train themselves for more than 5 years on the way to Putrajaya - a sure go now.
BN had worst problems and largely forgotten or keep secret or non transparent. How many UMNO/BN leaders died in mysterious ways since 1969? Maybe Dr. M can enlighten us on that?
So many countries have changed governments at GE and they have managed them well in running new Governments.
So why not Malaysia? Don't be permanently 'poisoned' by the 'drugs' of enoty talks of BN/UMNO.
All almost already now exposed but some still hidden.
more to come from me to SAVE MALAYSIA & SAVE SABAH now at GE13.
ReplyDeleteKarpal Singh
I challenge Dr Mahathir Mohammad to respond to the allegation of gigantic proportions by Tamrin Ghaffar, the son of Tun Ghaffar Baba, that he was involved in the incident leading to the May 13, 1969 riots in Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Mahathir should not surpress the truth. He must come up with an acceptable explanation. Dr Mahathir is now, after his retirement as Prime minister of the country for 22 years, in the twilight of his life. Tunku Abdul Rahman, the father of the nation, was unceremeniously removed as Prime Minister following the most sinsiter, vile and poisonous letter, the author of which, was no other than Dr Mahathir himself. Tunku Abdul Rahman, to the last of his breath, did not forgive Dr Mahathir.
May 13 was not the product of the DAP. The allegation that Lim Kit Siang was responsible for May 13 is an unadulterated lie. Kit Siang was in Sabah on from 11-13th of May, 1969 when he was arrested at the airport from his return from Sabah.
It boggles the mind to accept the sinister and unfounded allegation that any leader of the DAP was responsible for May 13. Goh Cheng Teik, a Gerakan leader and former Deputy Minister in Dr Mahathir's government, has publicly revealed that UMNO was responsible for May 13 backing up to the hilt the statement by PAS president Hadi Awang that it was UMNO which ochestrated May 13.
I challenge Dr Mahathir to respond in the defence of himself and UMNO of which he was president for 22 years.
Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh mengingatkan para pengundi kawasan Parlimen Kalabakan agar tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan calon tertentu yang sengaja menggunakan sentimen suku kaum ketika berkempen.
ReplyDeletebeliau berkata pengundi perlu terus menyokong BN kerana parti berkenaan memperjuang dan membela kepentingan semua kaum dan bukan hanya menjaga kepentingan kaum tertentu.
ReplyDelete"Sistem pemerintahan BN di negara ini bukan menjaga kaum tertentu sahaja tetapi ia meliputi semua rakyat tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan," katanya
ReplyDeleteMenurut Abdul Ghapur sokongan pengundi semua kaum di kawasan Kalabakan penting bagi memastikan BN terus memenangi kerusi Parlimen Kalabakan sekali gus memperkukuhkan kedudukan BN untuk terus menerajui negara.
ReplyDeleteJusteru beliau meminta pengundi supaya membuat pilihan bijak dengan mengundi BN kerana parti itu tidak meminggirkan mana-mana kaum dan suku di negara ini.
ReplyDeleteParlimen Kalabakan mempunyai 46,793 pengundi. Pada Pilihan Raya 2008, Abdul Ghapur menang tanpa bertanding namun pada PRU-13, Ahad ini beliau akan menghadapi pertandingan tujuh penjuru.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Ghapur akan ditentang Malvine Reyes calon STAR, Mohd Manuke (Bebas), Freddie Japat Anak Simol (Bebas), Usman Madeaming (PAS), Yahya Zainal (Bebas) dan Siamsir Borhan jugas (Bebas)
ReplyDeletesemua parti yakin akan menang...apa pun, keputusan nanti akan ditentukan oleh pilihan pengundi.
ReplyDeletepeople are wise enough to make their choice...
DeleteAbdul Ghapur sudah bbeberapa tahun merajui Kalabahkan, dan apa dia sudah buat hanya dia tahu.
ReplyDeleteGive ZERO votes ke BN/UMNO kali ini - UBAH, Ini Kali Lah.
Kasih ZERO atau KOSONG undi ini kali lah.
Friendly contests amongst the opposition parties to show people choice ABU/BN. Anything but UMNO/BN.
Lets Sabah have a new beginning after 50 years after Tanduoa Invasion too long after BN/UMNO - stagnant and loaded with all illegal activities by the socalled illegal leaders in Sabah and elsewhere...
SO GOOD with pseudonyms aplenty here.
ReplyDeleteAre you all ready with real names like myself...
Joshua Y C Kong - tidak takut mati lah...
Mati untuk Negeri Sabah yang betul.
Cheating by EC akready started in various ways and so BN/UMNO would win handsomely and no worry voters just turn up and marked the adulterated ballot for opposition and all spoilt votes...
ReplyDeleteSo all spoilt votes and BN get zero and PR also get zero , hahahahah
Down At The Airport!
2 May 2013
This post is also available in: Malay
Charter flights laid on by BN friendly Air Asia from KK and Kuching – with hoards of Indonesian plantation workers on board…..
Down at the airport is where it is happening with the Malaysian elections right now.
Secret flights are heading out loaded with cash.
Meanwhile overloaded chartered jets are flying in crowded with foreign workers, suspected of being dragooned into voting for BN.
It would appear that the rats are leaving the sinking ship, while the PM is still desperately trying to win this election “at any cost”
Emails from Air Asia & Malaysian Airways expose a desperate PM
Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) has done a lot of improvement in the state and has proven its good track record.
ReplyDeleteBN was committed to bring about more infrastructure development throughout the state if it won the May 5 election.
ReplyDeleteEvery project proposed by the government was not meant to be completed within a month or a year, but it needed to be implemented according to budget and priority. The people must look at all development by BN, compared to many false promises by opposition in the states they won in 2008 election.
It is too late now for BN/UMNO to be so good at talking and making promises to win another term to further mislead the people.
As I wrote early, all projects were done because of kick backs for the people in power.
The slowness of implementing projects is because cash is diminishing due to sub-sub-sub contracts down the line making it very hard for the later groups to implement the projects as originally planned.
Who become the victims? the Rakyat have to bear up with that....
UBAH or Change is the answer after 50 years...
Give ZERO vote to BN/UMNO and settle the crisis in Sabah
ReplyDeleteWhat is the way forward after GE13 on a flawed mandate?
What is it after the clarion call of UBAH?
That UBAH process is ongoing at accelerated space despite the BN/UMNO remains in office at Putrajaya and for what purpose when the Writings are on the Wall Malaysia?
Lets look at the results very much contaminated by all sorts of rigging by EC as denied for decades.
The PR got 51% of the popular votes when BN got only 46% leaving the rest to the Independents and other smaller parties which are also in opposition to BN/UMNO. So the opposition actually got 54% of the votes cast.
When 80% of the voters of 13m came out and so the opposition to BN/UMNO got 54% of the 10.4m votes and that is 5.6m of the total votes cast. So BN/UMNO got 4.8m.
So the purpose of the General Election is for the leaders on both side of the divide to get the mandate from the populous votes. Did BN/UMNO under the leadership of Najib really get the mandate?
What kind of mandate is expected to be in the voting pattern?
The mandate should come from real support of the votes cast.
There are various types of votes mainly support or protests votes.
It is important for the voters to be genuine supporters.
Some of the giant killers got their votes from ‘protesters’ against the BN/UMNO’s sort of big wig or big gun.
For the reigning Government to be effective to implement whatever policies and projects, we need people who are genuine to support the parties and leaders concerned.
So lets examine the BN/UMNO’s votes of 4.8m when there are over 3m of UMNO members alone not to consider the members of the other 12 coalition members. Then the other component members could easily add up to 1.8m. So who are the voters of BN/UMNO? The civil servants of present and retired ones including family members could easily add up to some 3 millions. Normally the civil servants including the retired ones would vote for the reigning Government I have not considered the number of employees of the Government Linked Agencies and statutory bodies which could employ a few millions of workers. So the total of such people could be up to 10m. (I may be wrong here and can anyone rebut my assumptions here with real figures).
So can I draw a conclusion that many of these estimated 10m had not voted and supported BN/UMNO? It is also to be questioned that the total registered voters is about 13 millions as most of the BN/UMNO members also come from employees of civil service and the Government linked agencies.
If that is the case, then can we considered those groups with vested interests really voted with wholeheartedly support for the BN/UMNO. Here, I can also assume that many who know BN/UMNO inside out did not vote for BN/UMNO.
It is to be questioned that the said mandate is not without any flaw then. If BN/UMNO as the incumbent got more than 60% of the votes, then the mandate could be accepted as more reliable.
The 1Malaysia Government could be further flawed when only few newly elected members of Parliament are Chinese from MCA and Indian from MIC possibly making the 1Malaysia Cabinet as lopsided with most members from UMNO only.
Najib wanted a good government and a well balanced cabinet and a two third in the Parliament to push forward his transformation programme but none of that is available now after GE13. It is also likely that a significant portion of his stable of people did not vote for BN/UMNO as lost faith in Najib.
So Najib should now have another look at UBAH when those voted for the opposition come from support for the UBAH. So 54% have no faith in Najib when the seats (133 out of 222) obtained by BN/IMNO are indeed questioned for the many irregularities of the Election Commission and the Police.
How can Najib proceed to keep the fort at Putrajaya to be effective when many knows they had been cheated in GE13?
I would expect Najib (next part)
(part 1 0f 3 )
part 2
ReplyDeleteI would expect Najib to hand over the power to PR to avoid further embarrassment when further scrutiny of the GE13 would expose the extent of the frauds in GE13. If black outs are so common in the midst of final counting of votes to turn over losing BN/UMNO candidates into winners and if EC is not at fault, then EC should set up adequate emergency lights at all counting centres. I have also urged the set up of an NGO known as Ballot Boxes Brigade (BBB or 3B).
Anwar had twitted that the early results from the various polling centres indicated PR had won Putrajaya, but the final results confirmed otherwise. I am told that the Police had roadblocked the road to the Istana and the State Assembly Building in Kota Kinabalu at about 9pm on 5th May, 2013 and why is this so if BN/UMNO had won Sabah case? Would the Police confirm these road blocks?
part 3 and last part
ReplyDeleteI would also like to challenge Najib to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Electoral system including the Election Commission and the various Election Acts to clear all the accusations of the performance of the Election Commission. I know some new features appeared in GE13 after the Parliamentary Select Committee did its round nationwide in 2011. Some of the new features have created some serious troubles especially the indelible ink which turned out to be an expensive fake quality. It was just for show only trying to play down the alleged cheating of multiple voting by some voting agents. It had backfired because the indelible ink was easily washable. The promise of cleaning up the rolls after the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah was not fulfilled and the Roll was contaminated with Project IC holders not only in Sabah but nationwide.
Also Najib did not have a mandate of his own in 2009 when he assumed PM and for four years the system of governance was also flawed and can we accept another term of four or five years of flawed mandate?
So is that true democracy? Who are we fooling now?
Should we not go for another fresh GE within the year after the double RCI on Illegal Immigrants Sabah and on the Electoral System be fully applied for a more meaningful and balanced public contests.
If one year is too short, it is better that Najib having lost all public confidence in his Government largely in the use of delay tactics for the past four years step down now for an Interim Good Governance Government (IGGG) Malaysia for a two year tenure to be backed up by the military (not trusting the Police as spoilers so far) to maintain the security. In this way, it is the best way to avert the possibility of the worst to come in the nation as tension post GE13 is now building up. The military has sort of also lost faith in Najib a former Defence Minister when a few retired top army generals offered themselves as opposition candidates in the GE13 with one in Lumut winning a very big majority. The other maiden one in Johore Baru also got very high votes. The fact that the retired generals as opposing candidates managed to obtain tremendous support speak volume of protests again Najib precipitating no confidence in Najib and BN/UMNO.
So the DYMM YDP Agong should do the needful now and not wait any longer.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
PM of IGGG (M) designate. 8th May, 2013
Entering Kampung Tanduo, a red zone that had witnessed the arrival of Sulu militants in Sabah, this writer could not help but feel a sense of panic although she was accompanied by security forces.
ReplyDeleteOn Monday, April 8, together with 10 other members of the media, we were part of the first group of crew members to enter the high alert area, where two members of the Malaysian police VAT 69 commando force had been killed by militants from southern Philippines.
ReplyDeleteThe two commandos, downed during the attack on March 1, were ASP Zulkifli Mamat from Besut, Terengganu, and Sergeant Sabaruddin Daud from Sabak Bernam, Selangor.
ReplyDeleteWhile there had been the initial hiccup when entering the zone, amid the tight security enforced by the Malaysian armed forces throughout the route that led to Kampung Tanduo, we finally made it into the village, with permission granted by the Sabah Police Chief Commissioner, Datuk Hamza Taib.
ReplyDeleteHowever, upon entering the village, emotions ran high for us, between elation and nervousness, imagining any remaining terrorists lurking behind our backs and aiming their guns at us.
ReplyDeleteFortunately for us, the tight security, provided by the police force accompanying us, and the armed forces that had set up camps around the village, left us feeling more secured
ReplyDeleteThe bullet-proof vests and safety helmets, provided by the office, also added to the tight defence, besides the constant prayers to "keep everything smooth and alright."
ReplyDeleteOur time in Kampung Tanduo also provided more than the anticipated experience of visiting the location, where a battle had just ensued and left a black mark in the country's history.
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally, at the same time, a forensics team was also preparing to dig up the graves of terrorists, who had been buried by their fellow invaders.
ReplyDeleteAt about one in the afternoon that day, a man, who had been paid to do the job, dug up three graves that were sniffed out by police tracker dogs earlier. The graves were located close to the army camps
ReplyDeleteFifteen bodies, believed to be those who were killed in the battle with security forces on March 1, were taken out.
ReplyDeleteWhile it was exciting at first to see the grave-digging process in close proximity, this writer had to run for cover when an overwhelming stench took over and the reality of the sight of decaying, dead bodies hit home.
ReplyDeleteMost of them were still in their full regalia, including a female terrorist. Heavy rains interrupted the grave-digging process a couple of times and delayed it, with the police eventually finishing up their work of taking out the bodies only at five in the evening.
ReplyDeleteAll the bodies were taken to Hospital Lahad Datu for post mortem examination. We were lucky and managed to visit the village the second day as well, this time with the Deputy Police Commissioner of Sabah, Datuk Tan Kok Liang, who wanted to check out some of the locations, where the battle between the security forces and the invaders had taken place.
ReplyDeleteAn entourage in 12 vehicles, under the tight security and guard of the police and the army, headed to the locations. What was obvious was that almost all the houses had been damaged because of the struggles that had taken place. In some of the houses, only beams were left standing, while other houses were left with roofs and were in battered conditions. They were akin to some scenes, usually seen on the television, where news of wars in other parts of the world is reported.
ReplyDeleteThe battle and destruction apparently came about when the militant group refused to retreat from Kampung Tanduo, after they had been given the opportunity to do so.
ReplyDeleteThe government finally launched its offensive on the terrorists' hideouts through aerial attacks by three F/A 18D Hornet fighter jets
ReplyDeleteThe Operasi Daulat (Operation Sovereignty) offensive was then continued with five Hawk fighter aircrafts, followed by mortar attacks before the ground attacks began to nab the remaining terrorists.
ReplyDeleteOur next stop was the house of Mat Bom's son, who had been the informer for the terrorists. The house had been destroyed by fire and machineries, believed to have been used to dig the graves for dead terrorists, which were found in front of the house.
ReplyDeleteWe were told that once Mat Bom had been caught by the security force, his wife and children were relocated to a temporary centre
ReplyDeleteTan, who was given a special briefing by Sabah General Operations Force, operations staff officer DSP Toipi Lamat, later, inspected the house, where several holes had been dug up by the terrorists to act as their hideout areas.
ReplyDeleteThe Tanduo beach, which was the last stop for the group of terrorists, had been the place where the group first landed too. On the beach laid the remnants of burnt boats, which had served to bring in the terrorists to the village. They had also used an old mosque as their headquarters.
ReplyDeleteMany army personnel were also seen around the beach, manning temporary security posts that had been set up to prevent terrorist attacks in the future.
ReplyDeleteThe village, which had become the landing spot for the invaders from Sulu right from the beginning, was closed by the security force as soon as fights began and was made a non-residential area.
ReplyDeletePrinsessa kim,
ReplyDeletewhich newspaper you work for?
Is there really any solution even ESSCOM in ESSZONE to stop the terrorists to come back in any form?
Council of Former Elected Representatives of Malaysia (Mubarak) president Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Rahman said the government needs to use the latest digital technology in the implementation of ESSCOM in order maintain effective surveillance along the 1,400 km shoreline in the east coast of Sabah. I think the use of digital technology such as digital surveillance system could enhance vigil to ensure that the border areas impregnable to invasion.
ReplyDeleteI also believe ESSCOM will strengthen vigilance along the border in Sabah, but it requires a central command that operates digitally using the latest digital technology.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, I also believe security command like ESSCOM should be implemented along the border with Thailand and Kalimantan to ensure security from both sides of the crossings
ReplyDeleteRight now the implementation of the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM), covering a coastline of 1,400 kilometres from Kudat to Tawau, has begun in Felda Sahabat with works to upgrade the existing logistics structure and to increase the number of security personnel and assets.
ReplyDeleteAn assuring safety measure was also done when Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said the maritime assets of the Armed Forces (ATM), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) would be harnessed together to ensure Sabah waters were free from any possible threats.
ReplyDeleteThey will also increase the number of new patrol cars in Felda Sahabat and acquire the more suitable multi-purpose vehicles to help us move in areas such as swamps, farms, forests and mangrove swamps" he said.
ReplyDeleteArmy Field Commander Lt Gen Datuk Seri Zulkiple Kasssim said all maritime and land assets would be coordinated to ensure that the objectives of ESSCOM would be achieved. I think this is a well strategy to ensure there is no attacks or intrusion from sea and land which is mostly done.
ReplyDeleteHe also said "This adjustment includes the three ATM branches, namely army, navy and air force, as well as the MMEA, which we will include in the implementation of ESSCOM". This move in my opinion will strengthen current defense.
ReplyDeleteESSCOM equips hight tech and sophisticated systems, but i would highly recommend it uses a centralize order by a commander
ReplyDeleteOn this day three cabins that are so fundamental to the existence ESSCOM arrived in Lahad Datu and will work with seven additional police stations that were already established in the Eastern Sabah
ReplyDeleteMoreover the then Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the most important thing that will be addressed is to strengthen the intelligence and intelligence network including bilateral cooperation with external intelligence agencies like ASEANAPOL and Interpol. This cooperation will ensure safety with aided ally from the global front.
ReplyDeleteOne of the mission of ESSCOM is how we can block anything that tried to invade the country, whether in the rural or in the waters of our rivers and on land," Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said in a press conference at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said, we will continue to ensure Esscom implemented more effectively in the future, the people of this country demand continues to mandate to the BN government. In which i think we have done(given mandate) and this will promise Sabah a better security as Barisan was the one coining in the idea of ESSCOM in Sabah and the government then which is still is after the recent election have the know how by their past experience handling it.
ReplyDeleteDear James John,
ReplyDeleteVery well thought out and I hope all good things would be done according to plan and full co-operation but Malaysia really in need of good governance all round to inspire the sincere dedication for real applications to get the desired results. Without good governance, it is hard to attract the best people to make the plan a success.
So we wait and see what next to happen to ESSZone..
Musa also said in a press Sabahan, especially those residing in the east coast area, welcomed the setting up of ESSCOM as it would ensure peace and security of the area.
ReplyDeleteYes i agree and the good governance will be shown through the recent Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (Esszone), therefore, a well-thought out decision. It is just the remedy for a security threat.
ReplyDeleteHas the authorities considered the factor of 'trohan horses' in Sabah for decades which can be an inevitable development soon to unfold?
ReplyDeletecorrection - should be "trojan horses"....
ReplyDeleteDefence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said the terrorist intrusion in Lahad Datu was a 'wake-up call' for Malaysians, as well as the security forces, to be united in facing the threats of globalisation. It is also a lesson to other countries because with globalisation, it brings new threats which have to be addressed by the security forces, as well as the general public